uploads/outer wear.jpg

outer wear 外衣,外套[大衣、雨衣等];戶外穿的服裝。


Summarizing and discussing the usual wear fault and wear kinds of the general mechanical equipment . engines of self - propelled gun are the main discussed targets , the component of the friction pairs and wear fault rules of which are analyzed . building the belter base for carrying out wear state monitoring further 總結和討論了一般機械設備常見的磨損故障和磨損類型,并以自行火炮的發動機為重點研究對象,分析其主要摩擦副的材料組成和磨損失效規律,為進一步實施磨損狀態監測奠下良好的基礎,討論了自行火炮潤滑油變質原因和機理。

Product once moldings , change traditional cut out wear comfortable , by high temperature high pressure shapes behind , possesses color voluptuous , feel soft , does not loose unremitting wait for feature , very incurs consumer favor on international market 產品一次成型,改變了傳統的裁剪穿著舒適,經高溫高壓定型后,具有顏色艷麗,手感柔軟,不松不懈等特點,在國際市場上很受消費者青睞。

Then there ' s the rich smorgasbord of modern life ? so much information to sift through , so many products beckoning . “ we ' re wearing ourselves out wear out : ( 使 ) 疲乏 ; ( 使 ) 厭倦 trying to have it all , ” says elaine st 現代的生活是豐富多彩的斯堪的納維亞式自助餐棗有那么多的信息等你去篩選,那么多的產品吸引著我們。

Daily drivers are exposed to day - in , day - out wear and tear as well as exposure to inclement weather , road grime , air - borne pollutants , and other contaminants that land and settle on the paint surface etc 白天開車的司機天天都有磨損,更何況是惡劣的天氣、公路的瀝青、空氣的污染物和其它污物都能導致漆面的損傷等等。

Then there ' s the rich smorgasbord of modern lifeso much information to sift through , so many products beckoning . “ we ' re wearing ourselves out wear out : ( 使 ) 疲乏 ; ( 使 ) 厭倦 trying to have it all , ” says elaine st 現代的生活是豐富多彩的斯堪的納維亞式自助餐有那么多的信息等你去篩選,那么多的產品吸引著我們。

With age , exposure to the environment and micro - scratching caused by day - in , day - out wear and tear , your paint develops micro - fissures in the surface along with other defects 隨著時間的流逝,暴露在戶外再加上細微的劃痕,日積月累的就導致了磨損,平滑的漆面開始變得有裂縫。

A few minutes later , “ britney came upstairs in a dancer bikini and a white busboy jacket . and that ' s what she walked out wearing . 幾分鐘之后, “布蘭妮一身熱舞比基尼,一件白色的衛生員的夾克上了樓,后面出門也還是這身打扮” 。

5 when jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe , pilate said to them , “ here is the man ! 5耶穌出來,戴著荊棘冠冕,穿著紫袍。彼拉多對他們說,你們看這個人。

When jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe , pilate said to them , “ here is the man ! 5耶穌出來、戴著荊棘冠冕、穿著紫袍。彼拉多對他們說、你們看這個人。

Used notes are screened by machines at the note - issuing banks to sort out worn , damaged or soiled notes 發鈔銀行以篩選機撿出殘破、損毀或受污的紙幣。

How do you allow pooja to go out wearing such little clothes 你們怎么能讓pooja穿那得那么少出去?